I see your star on each clear night
It's the first one to appear
And when I see that star so bright
I know that you are near
Last night i asked you why you left
And why I couldn't come
You answered in your warmest voice and I listened 'till you were done
You said that on the day we met
There was a burst of shining light
And everytime we met again our sparks lit up the night
Every year when we got brighter
Our lights shone to the skies
And anyone that watched us shine
had to shield the brightness from their eyes
But in time
Mother Moon got jealous
Father Sun was in a huff
They met one eve across the sky
And agreed they'd had enough
They spoke with all the galaxies
And the stars, all shapes and size
The oldest star said "It has to end"
(and he was very wise)
So the Universe decided that the way it had to be
Is that we needed to be seperate
And so they took you far from me.
The Earth It wasn't ready for our powerful shining light
All things must be in balance
The relationship must be right
For we are made of Stardust and to that we'll all return
But ours was of such fire bright
The world would surely burn
Don't cry my love
Don't worry
Though now we shine from seperate worlds
When your light goes out upon the Earth and your spirit it unfurls
Then you can dance your way to me and we'll fit back in together
And we'll become the brightest star
Our light will shine forever š
Ćine McGarry š